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Effective Communication in a Relationship

Greetings to you all. Am honored to tweet to you all. May God’s name be praised & let your words profess solution to our hearts #SinglesDate

Relationship needs two amazing person. One who can trust and another who can understand. #SinglesDate

Communication in a relationship is the essence of human interaction & learning between a man and a woman. #SinglesDate

Remember, Communication is not complete until you get feedback from your partner whilst your interacting. #SinglesDate

Amos 3:3 says Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet?. Effective communication involves two parties. #SinglesDate

Part of being in a healthy relationship is having effective communication. #SinglesDate

For effective communication, you must endeavour to do the following: #SinglesDate

Know when to Chat. If sumtin is bothering U & U wud like to have a serious talk abt it, make sure U pick d right time to talk. #SinglesDate

Dont interrupt ur partner wen they’re watching a sports game, TV show, abt to go to sleep or stressed. Find d right time to talk crucial. #SinglesDate

Tell your partner U would like to talk later & find a time when U’re in d same place & not doing anything important. #SinglesDate

Don’t start serious conversations in public places unless you feel safe. #SinglesDate

Talk Face to Face. Avoid talking about serious matters or issues in writing. It can be misinterpreted. #SinglesDate

Talk in person so there aren’t any unnecessary miscommunications. #SinglesDate

Do not attack. Even when we mean well, we can sometimes come across as harsh because of our word choice. #SinglesDate

Using “you” can sound like you’re attacking, which will make your partner defensive and less receptive to your message. #SinglesDate

Instead, try using “I” or “we.” For eg: say “I feel like we haven’t been as close lately” instead of “U have been avoiding me.” #SinglesDate

Be Honest. Agree to be honest. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s the key to a healthy relationship. #SinglesDate

Admit that you aren’t always perfect and apologize when you make a mistake instead of making excuses. #SinglesDate

You will feel better when you acknowledge your wrong and it will help strengthen your relationship. SinglesDate

Check your body language. Make eye contact when speaking. Sit up and face your partner. SinglesDate

Let your partner know you’re listening. Show them you really care. Don’t take a phone call, text or get distracted when you’re talking. #SinglesDate

Listen to your partner and respond to him. #SinglesDate

Use d 48hr rule. If ur partner does something that makes U angry, U need to tell them abt it. But U dont have to do so right away. #SinglesDate

If you’re still hurt 48 hours later, say something. If not, consider forgetting about it. #SinglesDate

But remember ur partner cant read ur mind. If U dont speak up when U’re upset, there is no way for them to apologize or change. #SinglesDate

Once U do mention ur hurt feelings & ur partner sincerely apologies, let it go. Dont bring up past issues if they’re not relevant. #SinglesDate

I would like to speak on how to communicate when you are angry, Eph 4:26 says “In your anger do not sin” #SinglesDate

It’s okay to get angry in a relationship – everyone does at some point! What’s important is that U resolve conflicts in a healthy way. #SinglesDate

If you get angry with your partner, here are a few nuggets to take: #SinglesDate

Stop & Be calm. If you get really angry about something, stop, take a step back and breathe. #SinglesDate

Give yourself time to calm down by watching TV, talking to a friend, taking a walk or whatever helps you relax. #SinglesDate

Taking a break can keep the situation from getting worse, when you are angry. #SinglesDate

Think & think again. After you’re no longer upset, think about the situation and why you got so angry. #SinglesDate

Was it how your partner spoke or something they did? Figure out the real problem then think about how to explain your feelings. #SinglesDate

Speak Out. Finally, talk to your partner and when you do, follow the tips above. #SinglesDate

Listen. After you tell your partner how you feel, remember to stop talking & listen to what they have to say. #SinglesDate

Remember, effective communication can not be complete without a feedback. #SinglesDate

You both deserve the opportunity to express how you feel in a safe and healthy environment. #SinglesDate

Communicating isn’t always easy. At first, some of these tips may feel unnatural or awkward, but they will help U communicate better & build a healthy relationship. #SinglesDate

RelationSHIPs sink when someone brings too many passengers. Don’t involve a third party, only if necessary. #SinglesDate

You can’t buy love, because when it’s real, it’s priceless. #SinglesDate

Relationships are about being with somebody that you love to argue with. #SinglesDate

Finally, find someone who will change your life, not just your status. #SinglesDate.

I would like to stop my teaching here, and get a feedback from you all that are following. You can ask me your questions now. #SinglesDate

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